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Dheergayu is mobile app, can monitore the depression states of the person using HRV, Sleep quality, static and dynamic facial features and create uninterrupted comminication between doctor and patent. to development process use flutter, dart, aws, firebase, google APIs and android studio and vs code as IDEs

Employee and product management system

This system is stand alone application, it can manage the employee details, attendence, payments, of the employees and can handel the stock, customer details etc. for development use java and sql and use netbeans as IDE.

School Management system

This system is web application,it can manage student and staff details and handle students and staff attendence, create time tables etc. for development use java, jsp servlet, html, css, sql and eclipse as IDE


Traveller is mobile application,it provide the travel locaton details, hotel offers, and other details related to travel. To develop this app use java, sqlite and firebase. android studio use as IDE

TR Airways

TR Airways is demo app to passengers to track their flight details. users can find flight details using their flight number and also app facilitate to find hotels and transport serices in destinaton countries. To development use flutter, dart and firebase and android studio as IDE.

Code complexcity metureing tool

This app is stand alone application. it can measure the code quality of the programmes. It supports for both java and C#. To development use java and netbeans as IDE.

Online wedding planning system

In this website, users can find the wedding dresses, hotels, wedding decorations, wedding cars etc. For development of this site use html, css, js and sql.

Study Managment tool

In this application can handle the courses, course material, assignment and stuents marks. for development use MERN and webstome as IDE.